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Rural learning centers: School for tribal girls
  1. Adopted 4 rural schools for tribal girls in the age group 6-14 years - 2 schools in Jalore district, Rajasthan, 1 in West Bengal, 24 Parganas district and 1 school for tribal girls in Gajapati district, Orissa
  2. Most of our girls are first timers to school and many are first in their families to receive primary education
  3. We have pledged to support these schools for five years
  4. These schools are run by IIMPACT
  5. 236 children have been brought under the aegis of the project

Urban Learning centers: School for street children
  1. Aim to bring the urban children in street shelters, orphanages and poor homes into the main stream
  2. Imparting English education and bringing these children at par with private school students
  3. 250 children in Delhi have been brought under the aegis of the project

School for Special children:
School for HIV+:
  1. Adopted a school for 30 HIV +ve infected and affected children in Hyderabad for one full year.
  2. These schools are monitored by Nireekshana ACET.
School for Mentally challenged children:
  1. Adopted a school in Warangal, AP for 40 mentally challenged children to educate them on the basics of daily life
  2. This school is run by Mallikamba Institute of Mentally Handicapped and Associated Disabilities (MIMHAD)

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